FAQ Workplace risk assessment
What is "workplace risk assessment of mental stress"?
In the course of a workplace risk assessment of mental stress, stress at the workplace is determined, assessed and evaluated in order to subsequently define and implement measures to improve working conditions. The workplace risk assessment is mandatory for the University of Graz and is prescribed by law in the ASchG.
Stresses can occur in the areas of work activities (e.g. dealing with emotional pressure in party dealings), social climate (e.g. lack of team cohesion), working environment (climatic or acoustic stress) and work processes (e.g. interruptions/disturbances) and must be assessed in all areas.
Why is a survey being conducted at the University of Graz?
The University of Graz uses surveys in addition to workshops and inspections in order to be able to roughly identify university-specific stresses. The results of the surveys are subsequently used for more in-depth analyses (e.g. for the initial identification of highly stressful areas of activity).
What is the point of the survey? - Why should I take part in the survey?
As an employee of the University of Graz, you are an expert on your workplace situation. Only with your feedback can we recognize the actual stress at your workplace. By participating, you provide important information for future improvement measures, actively shape your workplace and contribute to the optimization of your workplace situation.
Who can take part in the survey?
All persons who are currently employed at the university, regardless of the extent and type of employment.
Who has access to the data?
Your feedback from the survey will be evaluated by the BGM team under the direction of Dr. Anita Bregenzer. The anonymity of your data has the highest priority and is ensured by a professional and sensitive evaluation. The data remains with BGM and is never passed on to other internal or external bodies. The implementation of the survey is regulated by a company agreement and data protection declaration.
How is the data analyzed and presented?
It is not possible to draw conclusions about individual persons in the course of the survey and evaluation.
The statistical evaluations are carried out separately for scientific and general staff, as well as separately according to areas of activity and sociodemographic characteristics. These evaluations are only carried out from an evaluation unit of 6 persons. This means, for example, that the data for the area of activity "Directorate for Resources and Planning" is only evaluated if at least 6 people have assigned themselves here. The data is not linked to each other! This means that no calculations are carried out for any intersections, e.g. intersection age x gender x area of activity.
What happens to my comments?
The comments are anonymized if necessary. This means that all texts that would allow conclusions to be drawn about specific persons (e.g. by stating the name, position in an area of activity) are anonymized or removed. Only the anonymized comments are saved. The comments serve as substantiation for certain areas of stress and subsequently as input for later adaptations of the survey content.
Are the works councils involved?
The specifications for the evaluations were agreed with the Science and General University Staff Works Councils and set out in a works agreement.
How do I get feedback on the results?
The results will be published a few months after the survey and reported back to all employees of the University of Graz via the intranet. Supervisors at the University of Graz can be informed about the results in more detail by making an appointment with the BGM team. In all feedback, only aggregated values are reported and never individual values!
What happens after the survey?
Following the survey, the stress areas in the fields of activity are documented for the labor inspectorate. The measures are analyzed in greater depth in small group workshops, in which measures are also developed for the respective areas of stress.
Please contact Anita Bregenzer ( bgm(at)uni-graz.at ) if you have any questions about the entire psychosocial risk assessment procedure.